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Hanwell Methodist Church
Composed and designed by Ray Garnett

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Then click on our Location page.  This will provide maps, directions and details of nearby public transport on buses, rail and underground services.

Details listed on the website are based on information supplied to the Webmaster.

Top level pages
Sub-sections and Sub-pages
At a glance events calendar  go
Feedback  go
Latest news  go
Mission statement  go
Search results page
Visitors to our Church  go
Welcome from our Minister  Go
Welcome to our Church.  Go
Coffee service  go
GDPR and our Privacy Notice  go
Facilities and accommodation for hire  go
Hall lettings  go
Links with Ealing Trinity Circuit  go
Links with London District  go
Links with other Methodist Organisations  go
More about Hanwell  go
More about our Church, its history, our mission
  and our family  
Read about our organ  go
Recollections from a Church member  go
Room plans drawn to scale  go
Safeguarding policy  go
Site map.
About our Sunday Services  go
Audio Services  go
Church rotas  go
Covenanting and Gift Aid Donations  go
Gift Aid form  go
Information for Preachers  go
Meet our Church Stewards  go
Service Books, Hymn books and Bibles  go
Service Plan - who is preaching when.  Go
Details of events and activities in our calendar.  go
Junior Mission for All (JMA)  go
Junior Church (Sunday School)  go
Rainbows  go
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers  go
Car Parking  go
Directions using private transport  go
Directions using public transport  go
Journey planner  go
Local bus stops  go
Map.  go
Baptisms, weddings, blessings, celebrations and funerals  go
Hall lettings  go
Our address  go
Publications  go
Who to contact, telephone numbers and email addresses.  Go

Down to the River Brent