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Hanwell Methodist Church
Composed and designed by Ray Garnett

The list of Sunday services and calendar of
preachers for each of the churches within our
Circuit is published quarterly in our Circuit
In-touch. Copies are normally
available from the shelves at the back of our

There are occasions when preachers may
change, but at the time of going to press the
following appointments for Hanwell were listed in the magazine. The Circuit plan is produced by our Circuit Superintendent Minister and issued by our Circuit office.

If it is a service of Holy Communion and you wish to receive a blessing from the Minister but you do not wish to receive Holy Communion, you are welcome to go the Communion rail with the other members of the congregation - Communion Stewards will direct members of the congregation to the rail in an orderly fashion. When the Minister brings the Communion, please keep your hands by your sides to indicate that you want to receive a blessing from the Minister and not the Bread and Wine of Holy Communion.  If you wish to receive Communion in your seat then please let one of our Communion Stewards know.  The presiding Minister will then serve you after those attending at the Communion rail.

Worship Service Plan

Location of other Churches

For the location addresses of other Churches in our Circuit and District where services are to be held please refer to our Links page.

Looking to the Future...

Do please come and join us at one of our special Harvest, Church Anniversary, Easter or Christmas Sunday services. We would love to meet you.

If you would like to see a list of feast and notable dates to aid plan meetings, (such as Ash Wednesday, Mothering Sunday, Easter and Pentecost etc), then you will find a list down the left-hand side of our Diary page.

A list of Steward rotas is available on our Church Rotas page. Details of services and events listed on the website are based on information supplied to the Web Designer.

Down to the River Brent

Further service details will be posted here once our next
Circuit preaching plan has been published.

Sunday Services


Rev. A Singh

Our Sunday services are normally held at 11:00am each Sunday unless otherwise stated.

Click here to go to our Minister’s page.

8th December
Second Sunday in Advent
11:00am  Today's service for the second Sunday in Advent will be led by our own Minister, Rev. Ajay Singh. The service will include Holy Communion.
15th December
Third Sunday in Advent
11:00am  The service today will be classed as a local arrangement which will be led by a member from our congregation, Mrs Jane Weston.
22nd December
Fourth Sunday in Advent
11:00am  At today's morning service our own minister, Rev. Ajay Singh will be leading our worship.

6:00pm  This evening we will be holding our annual Carols by Candlelight service. Do come and join us in this enchanting candle-lit atmosphere to sing many of the well known and popular Christmas Carols.  We normally follow the service by having refreshments including Christmas mince pies.
24th December
Christmas Eve
11:15pm  This evening we will be holding our annual midnight Christmas Eve service to welcome in Christmas. Do come along, enjoy the atmosphere, and be one of the first to offer Christmas greetings to friends and members of the congregation.
25th December
Christmas Day
10:30am  Our Church wishes you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. Our service of worship today will be taken by one of our Circuit's Local Preachers, Mrs Rekha Cheriyan. Please note the slightly earlier start time to that of a normal Sunday service at Hanwell.
29th December
2:00pm  A Circuit service will be held at our Church. It will be conducted by our Circuit Superintendent, Rev. Dr Steve Day and our Circuit minister, Rev. Sue Male.

There will be no morning service at 11:00am at our Church.
5th January 2025
11:00am  Today's service is classed as a local arrangement and will be led by one of our Church Stewards, Marion Garnett.
12th January
11:00am  This Sunday will be our annual Covenant Service. It will be conducted by Rev. Ajay Singh and will include Holy Communion.
19th January
11:00am  At today's service we will welcome Ms Fiona Dunn to lead our service.
25th January
10:30am  For today's service of worship we are invited to Kingsdown Methodist Church for a Circuit service. The service will be jointly led by Rev. Dr Steve Day, Rev. Ajay Singh and Rev. Sue Male.

There will be no morning service at Hanwell Methodist.
2nd February
11:00am  Today our own minister, Rev. Ajay Singh, will be leading the worship.  (This is a change from what was previously published).
9th February
11:00am  Today's service of worship will include Holy Communion. It will be conducted by Rev. Ajay Singh.
16th February
11:00am  Today's service will be classed as a Local Arrangement which will be led by a member from our congregation, Mary Lavelle.
23rd February
11:00am  Today's serivice of worship will be taken by our own Minister, Rev. Ajay Singh.

One of our alter side
stained glass windows

The Church Gallery